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Press Kit vs Press Release: Formats, Advantages, and How They Benefit Public Relations

When businesses launch their products or services, they already know competition exists. Small companies must find unique ways to make their brand stand out. While startups do not have huge budgets to play with, public relations and digital marketing provide a helping hand in competing with their competitors. A good PR campaign backed by a… Continue reading Press Kit vs Press Release: Formats, Advantages, and How They Benefit Public Relations

What is B2B PR? Strategies For Brand Growth and Effective Communication

Creating an exceptional B2B PR strategy in 2024 requires thoughtful planning instead of impulsively pitching your business to harness attention. Businesses looking to achieve their marketing goals need to plan a well-rounded strategy implemented by experts and make data-driven decisions for the subsequent PR campaigns based on the analysis from the previous one. The B2B… Continue reading What is B2B PR? Strategies For Brand Growth and Effective Communication

What is a Press Kit and Why Does Your Business Need One?

For businesses, getting their products or services featured in major publications is huge. Imagine the top authoritative publication website of your industry or even a local media outlet, gives you a free press. Now, think of the kind of exposure and traffic that would bring to your website. A good PR campaigns increases the chance… Continue reading What is a Press Kit and Why Does Your Business Need One?